Like many of the other computer literate cats in the world I have my own homepage. As you can see I am a lovely black cat. I was found in a laundry room by my humans. After I stole their hearts with my "cute cat tricks" they elected to keep me. I have them almost trained the way I want them, but you know humans, they have a mind of their own.

My name comes from the fact that when my humans found me I was very calm and sat in the middle of everything. After the "unfortunte incident" (as I call it, why did they "fix" me, I was never broken!) at the Vet, I have become more active, just to prove the Vet wrong.

My hobbies include chasing rope, toy balls with jingle bells inside, playing with a wonderful orange plastic bag the Sunday newspaper came in, looking out the window, and chasing my cat nip ball. My humans seem to think I am a "nip head." Yet, I do not think that my attraction to cat nip is anything out of the ordinary.

I am still working on my page. I hope to have more pictures of myself on here soon, and more interesting tid bits!

Thanks for stopping by!