Dear cps-user/potential-user,


The results of cps-survey for the current semester collected so far have

been posted as item #27 on our bulletin. (Bulletin is linked at the top of

our homepage: Special thanks to those

who have done the survey and sent me the survey results. Please take a

look.  In case you have done the survey and have not yet turned in the

results, please let me know right away and send me the followup results not

later than next Wednesday (12/17/03).


Just as a reminder for those of you who would like to use cps and have not

signed up, please signup asap (at Sec. 2.1 of our homepage). This will help

us to alleviate the last-minute-rush and do things in a more orderly

manner.  If you have any question, do not hesitate contact one of

us.  Please mark your calendar: CPS-orientation sessions for Spring04 (for

continuing user: you or your TA only need to attend first ~30 mins of one

session) are on


Thursday Jan 15, Friday Jan 16,  both at 2-3pm in Pai 2.48.


Thank you for your attention. It is a pleasure to work with you all.


Charles Chiu and Bin Zhang