More advanced application of cps:

  • At present we recommend the use of the CPS system in "verbal mode", i.e. the questions posed are independent of the system. For a more advanced application, an instructor can also imbed questions within the CPS system. If you are interested in pursuing this aspect of application, please contact Morrie Schulman of CIT,

o      Phone: (512)475-6057 or (512)440-0558

o      Email:

  • The following advanced CPS workshop will be held on August 19 and August 20. Please consider attending!



Advanced use of the Classroom Performance System

… it’s not too hard to do a lot more


How would you like to:


-        have direct access to your class data immediately after class;

-        instantly and directly post class records for students;

-        instantly and directly make changes to posted records, such as throw out questions, change a correct answer or add a correct answer;

-        use the system to give students a daily reading quiz that is scored differently from their Classroom Participation;

-        Learn some classroom management tricks from the most successful users of CPS;

-        Use the system in a way that has consistently helped students to enjoy class more and by their own estimate, helped them to understand the subject matter better;

-        Connect and collaborate with other Professors using CPS around the world.


Attend one of the following on-site workshops


August 19th, 2003

3:00 – 5:00pm

Located at the CIT Lab in GSB 2.130


August 20th, 2003

9:00 – 11:00am

Starting at the CIT Lab, then moving to the lecture hall at 11:00am.

Coffee and Bagels will be provided!


What to Bring?

-        A zip disk, if you have one.

-        A CPS Pad, if you have one.


RSVP to if possible, or just show up J



Q.  What if I can’t attend but am interested?

A.  Contact me and I’ll do my best to work with you over the phone.


Q.  What if this is my first semester, should I be interested in these “advanced topics?”

A.  If you can attend one of the above workshops what you learn will definitely not hurt you, however make sure you also sign up at  and plan to attend one of  the orientation sessions at the following  time and place:

  • Friday, August 22 1:00 -2:30.  Pai 2.48
  • Monday, August 25, 1:00-2:30. Pai 4.42


Thanks and look forward to working with you.


Marty Abrahamson - ICC/eInstruction - Office: 804-642-9131 -Cell:  804-815-4444
