Thanks for helping us get this problem solved. The first thing you will

need to do is to verify that the console computer is running the 3.25

version of CPS. To do this, do the following:


1. Start CPS by clicking on the CPS icon on the desktop.

2. Click on the Help menu item

3. Click on the About menu item. It should be listed near the bottom of

this screen.


Once you have verified that in fact that console computer has CPS 3.25

you will need to do the following on the replacement computer


1. Start that computer

2. Open a browser (preferably Internet Explorer)

3. Go to

4. When you go to this link you should automatically be prompted to

either open or save cpsupdate.exe.  I would save it to the desktop

5. Double click on this file once it has been saved


This will install CPS version 3.2. You will now need to upgrade version

3.2 to version 3.25.


1. Go to

2. Select the QuickLinks dropdown in the lower left side of our website

3. Select the Downloads option

4. Once this screen comes up choose "CPS for PC Services Releases"

option from the dropdown

5. The page will display a number of service releases, choose the second

one "Service Release - CPS 3.20 to 3.25".

6. Again you will be asked to either open or save. I would save it to

your desktop.

7. Run the service release to upgrade to 3.25.


Additionally, is the console computer connected to a network printer or

is the CPS database being run from a network drive or any drive other

than the drive in the machine.


Let me know if you have any questions. My mobile number is (940)





William Johnson

Chief Technology Officer

eInstruction Corporation

(940) 565-0004