Iq-score grading policy and more ….


Q: How is the iq-score determined?


An iq-score is given when there is one or more interactive quiz (iq) sessions during a lecture.

·         iq-score=0, if there is no answer recorded.

·         iq-score=0.8+0.2*C/N, N=number of iq-sessions given, C=number of correct answers entered.


Q: How does the overall iq-record effect the semester grade?


A. It effects the semester grade in two ways.

·         Iq-score, or the inclass quiz score(after 4 drops),  counts 6% of the grade.

·         The criterion that the iq-score (after 4 drops) > 80%, is one of the necessary conditions to achieve the “good participation status”. 


Q. Today my I-clicker was not working. I have attended the class, and answer the iq-question on paper. Is there anyway to credit my iq-score in the Quest-account?


A. It is our policy that there is no adjustment on iq-score. This stringent policy is compensated by allowing 4 drops during the semester. If a student’s Iclicker does not work today, he/she has used one drop. We have found that if a student uses his/her drops sparingly, the allocated 4 drops should be adequate to take care of student’s emergency needs.


If the Iclicker does not work today, it is student’s responsibility to fix it right away. If the Iclicker has been purchased new, the bookstore might exchange the defective Iclicker with a new one…


Instructor’s comments: As you can see as long as you attend the class and participate in the class, our policy enables you to earn an iq-score greater than 80%. More importantly please keep in mind the real objectives of having iq-sessions are the following.


·         It is a part of learning process for you. Many physics examples will be worked out by you through discussion in iq-sessions.

·         It  gives you a chance to interact with your neighbor, i.e. to have collaborative learning experience.

·         It keeps you alert, and enables you to see where you stand with respect to the rest of the class

·         It gives instructor feed back, which will help the instructor to make adjustment in his presentation.  


I hope that during this semester we will have active iq-sessions and will have a good collaborative learning experience.