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Lecture: 15   Chapter 4 (iq12)

1. A balance and a spring scale

2. The period of oscilation of a vertical spring system

3. Speed of sound (revisit)

4. Contact force in a fluid (gas, liquid) medium

o   Atmospheric pressure at sea level

o   Pressure of a liquid column

o   Buoyant force = weight of the liquid displaced  -- Archimedus principle

5. Setting up a static problem

6. Rate of change of momentum along a comet orbit


·         iq-library” link on our homepage: We suggest you look at those qualitative questions in this library for additional insights. Inquiries related to these questions are welcome. Occasional clicker questions may be taken from this resource.  

·        Due date of ch4, h4 has been postponed by 24 hrs. It is now due on 9/30, 11:30pm.