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Lecture: 2

Chapter 1

o    Definition: Change of velocity per unit time.

o    From average acceleration to instantaneous acceleration.

o    Two parts in change of velocity vector

1.     Change of magnitude (pushing along direction of motion)

2.     Change of direction (pulling perpendicular to the direction of motion, a seed concept discussed in detail in chapter 5)

To do list:

·        You need to know the basic content of the firstday handout: General policy of this course. Toward the end there is where you can check your lab schedule. No lab this week.

·        Before Monday class you should have read through chapter 1. You should have about to complete ch1-h1, start working on ch1-h2. Read the text, work through questions in the book.

·        Seek for help if you have difficulty. Use TA and LA resources. Come to my office hour or send me an email if you have concerns about this course.