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Lecture: 32   (iq29)

1. More on rolling down the incline

2. Typical problems involving gravitational potential

o   6.p107 and more

o   Satellite problems

3. Energy in macroscopic system

o   Harmonic oscillator

o   A special case oscillation in y direction.

o   Morse potential

o   Heat exchange

4. Quantization of energy

o   Emission and absorption, Boltzmann factor

o   Quantum harmonic oscillator spectrum (equal spacing)



o   Several review videos by Matt are now available at http://www.youtube.com/user/HaleyPhysics

o   We are in the process of writing a grant for further development of MI curriculum. Please email me

a)     your comments on whether you think review videos are useful means to help you to learn physics.

b)    Comments about other aspects of the present MI curriculum are welcome also. 

o   Please email me your questions. We will discuss them on Wednesday.

o   There will be 4 sections of 303K-MI next semester. If you have made A’s in both midterm1 and midterm2, and if you are interested in applying for a 303K-MI LA-position please contact Professor Sacha Kopp asap. The deadline for LA application is Friday 11/12.