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Lecture: 33   (iq30)

1. Selected email-questions of the unit.

2. Energy in macroscopic system

o   Harmonic oscillator

o   A special case oscillation in y direction.

o   Morse potential

o   Heat exchange

3. Quantization of energy

o   Emission and absorption, Boltzmann factor

o   Quantum harmonic oscillator spectrum (equal spacing)



o   A discussion on multiparticle system has been posted under course summary links in our Homepage.

o   My office hour today: From 2:45 to 4:10. Please bring your last minute questions.

o   There will be 4 sections of 303K-MI next semester. If you have made A’s in both midterm1 and midterm2, and if you are interested in applying for a 303K-MI LA-position please contact Professor Sacha Kopp kopp@hep.utexas.edu,  or  his assistant:  Ms Adrianne Chacon ayc@mail.utexas.edu (512) 232-0677. The deadline for LA application is Friday 11/12.