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Lecture: 38   Kinematics of angular momentum (iq35)

1. Ballistic pendulum

2. Central force leads to conservation of ang. mom. in planetary motions, 11P50.

3. Boy+Mary-Go-Around problem

4. 11X35: I, omega, L.

5. Example: p438-439. Satellite hit by a meteorite.

6. Example: p439-440. Pulling a stick. Errata: Fig11.50,51 point A is at top.

7. Predicting theta (See course summary 4)


o   A draft of course summary 4 has been posted.

o   Adjusted syllabus due to thanksgiving holidays.

o   M:               Sec11.7 to 11.9

o   T:                Instructor’s disc. section:  On Chapter 11,  ECJ 1.202, 4-5pm

o   W:               Class: More discussions on Chapter 11.

o   Due dates of homework sets remain the same.

o   There will be no official TA and LA office hours over the Thanksgiving weekend.

o   Exam4 will include Sec. 9.4-9.5; Sec. 10.1-10.7; Sec 11.1-11.9. (This supersedes the information on the original syllabus)