Tuesday: 1 to 2 pm

Room number: RLM 14.318

Presented by: Manasvi Lingam


Outline for the Quest-Training session


This shall be a hands-on session where we seek to familiarize the TAs with the basics of Quest and how to prepare problems from a given template. The presentation will be geared towards meeting this objective. We hope that the knowledge gained will suffice in preparing Midterm 2.


We will begin with a short description of how to access Quest, its Editor and to open a given template. Any actions that need to be taken prior to undertaking the code shall be outlined. Then, we shall proceed to demonstrate the preparation of a problem in Quest. We will also mention how to locate earlier exam problems in the Quest databank.


We have picked two fundamental types of template:

1)    The first one involves the preparation of a multiple choice question with an image added as well.

2)    The second one involves the randomization of variables.


For practice problem-1, we wish to do the following:


1)    How to upload an image to Quest and insert it into the problem statement.

2)    The generation of multiple choice questions.

3)    The input of a simple formula in TEX.


Problem ID: (99819)


For practice problem-2, we seek to demonstrate the following points:


1)    Understand the process by which Quest allows the introduction of variables and constants (defined in the C code) into the question statement and explanation.

2)    How the random variable is added into the question statement in Quest.

3)    Demonstrate how to generate random numbers and the answer.


Problem ID: (99817)


Finally, if there is sufficient time we may outline briefly the steps involved in preparing an assignment and debugging in Quest.