FAQ related to the iq-scores


iqstands for interactive quiz (or inclass quiz).


Q: How is the iq-score determined?


A: Denote No be the total number of clicker questions given during one class period.
     N be the number of questions answered by the student, and
     C be the number of the correct answer entered by the student.
Then the iq-score earned by this student is computed as follows.

§         If N=0, iq-score= 0.

§         If N>0, iq-score=0.8+ 0.2*C/N0


Q: How does the overall iq-record effect the semester grade?


A. The total iq-score( after the announced number of drops) counts toward 5% of the semester grade. Also the iq-score>80% is one of the necessary conditions to achieve the “good participation status”, See  the  triple 80% criteria in paragraph 8 of the firstday handout. 


Q: How does the grading scheme account for legitimate excuses?


See the explanation to the next question.


Q. Today my I-clicker was not working. I have attended the class, and answer the iq-question on paper. Is there anyway to credit my iq-score in my Quest-account?


A. To keep our scoring system simple, we have adopted a policy that there is no adjustment on the iq-score. To make it work, we have adopted the following streamlined scheme. We have introduced a certain number of drops which is intended to compensate for the absence due to legitimate excuses and to compensate for occasional non-participation electronically due to clicker related problems, even though the student is present and has participate in iq-sessions manually.  


Thus if your clicker is not working on that day, you have used up one of the drops for not able to participate the iq-session electronically. It is important for you to make sure that your clicker is working properly from that point on. Our past experience indicates that our streamlined policy works well  for students who use the announced number of drops sparingly.  This number should be sufficient to compensate for accidental clicker problems and occasional absence from class due to legitimate excuses.


Instructor’s comments: Our inclass quizzes are mostly taken from the PQ library. As long as you keep up with the PQ library questions, attend the class and participate the iq-session in the class on a regular basis you should be able to earn high iq-scores throughout the semester. Keep in mind the objectives of iq-sessions are as follows:

·         to check your understanding,

·         to give you a chance to interact with your neighbor(s),

·         to keep you alert, to give you some idea where you stand with respect to the rest of the class

·         to give me timely feed back, and will help me to adjust my presentation, when needed.

I hope our interactive teaching approach will add a positive element in your learning experience.