New exam site: Exam 2 and 3 will be given in Burdine 106,  at 11:30. Be here ten minutes earlier.



303L Exam Instructions



·        Multiple choice format: The exam questions are all in the multiple choice format. For each question, negative points will be assigned to an incorrect answer. If you try to beat the exam by guessing, randomly negative points from wrong answers will almost perfectly cancel the few you get right through luck. For example, for a multiple choice question with N=5 choices, an incorrect answer scores 

      –1/(N-1)=-25% of the full credit.

·        1% rule: The numerical answer at which you arrive at might not be exactly the same as one of the choices given in the printout. As a rule of thumb, if your answer comes to within 1% of one of the choices, and you believe that the physics is sound, you should proceed to make the selection.

·        Calculators: Programmable calculators may be used for numerical calculations only. No display of formula on the screen is allowed.

·        For instruction on the entry of exam-scan-sheet, see  “V Scan sheet Entry – Quizzes” under Students’ Instruction linked to the  Student’s login page.


At the beginning of an exam:

·        Please check your version number on your printout. It must agree with that on your bubble sheet. Also check the completeness of the exam set which you just received.


During an exam:

·        Multipart problems: Some problems in the exam have several parts. Typically for a given problem, working out the latter part does not require the answer of the former part. As a rule of thumb, if you cannot do one part of the problem you should still proceed to try the next part.

·        For a textual multiple choice question which involves an algebraic expression beware of the fact that different choices may look “similar”. Pay close attention to different powers, a factor of 2, etc.


After an exam: Our plan is to post the exam solution and the exam grade about 2 hours after the exam.