• Transverse Waves!

• Longitudinal Waves!

Consider transverse waves to begin with. For a wave moving to the right, the wave function is of the general form:
y(x,t) = A cos[kx - ωt].

A good wave applet!

In terms of the wave parameters, A, k and ω, the amplitude of the wave is A, the wavelength of the wave is λ = 2π/k and the frequency is f = ω/2π while the wave period is 2π/ω. The phase speed of the wave is vp = ω/k.

Note that the wave function can be written as:

y(x,t) = A cos[k(x - vpt)].

Thus, a wave moving to the left is written as:

y(x,t) = A cos[k(x + vpt)] = A cos[kx + ωt].

How to derive the wave equation from Newton's 2nd Law, applied to a vibrating string.



Types of Waves!
