Unique numbers: 57381, 57382, 57383, and 57384

Office Hours (Subject to change):

MONDAY: 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., Rodenborn RLM 14.318
WEDNESDAY: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., Rodenborn RLM 14.318

*NOTE: When logging into Adobe Connect, log in as Guest.


BOOKMARK the 303K SYLLABUS: ( The syllabus lists the textbook sections to read for each class, and the corresponding homework assignment number.


INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Bruce Rodenborn, office: RLM 14.323

Email:—->> IMPORTANT: Include “PHY 303K” on the subject line of any email. Questions about homework and the TA sessions should be raised at Dr. Rodenborn’s office hours or addressed to the TA and LAs.

303K Course coordinator: Dr. Bruce Rodenborn

TEACHING ASSISTANT (TA): Michael Himmelsbach -

LEARNING ASSISTANTS (LAs) are undergraduates who are charged with helping you in this course. Each LA took a calculus-based introductory physics course and did especially well. They applied for an LA appointment. They do NOT participate in the grading. The LAs are:

Zheng Hui Lim –

Katie Speights –


TEXTBOOK: Chabay and Sherwood, “Matter and Interactions I” – Modern Mechanics, 3rd Edition. Note that the electronic version of the book is cheaper than the paperback version. If you buy a used copy of the book, make sure it is the THIRD edition.

SUPPORTING MATERIALS: Bookmark Matter and Interactions homepage , (, which has much useful material — videos, lectures, problems. etc. Note: we will not use the WebAssign homework system discussed on the website because we will be using the UT system Quest.

Homework and Quizzes

QUEST, a web-based system of the College of Natural Sciences of the University of Texas at Austin, will be used for homework, classwork, Thursday TA sessions, and tests. The College of Natural Sciences charges $22 per student for Quest use each semester; this goes toward the maintenance and operation of the resource. After the 12th day of class, when you log into Quest you will be asked to pay via credit card on a secure payment site. You have the option to wait up to 30 days to pay while still continuing to use Quest for your assignments. If you are taking more than one course using Quest, you will not be charged more than $50/semester. In addition to the classwork tests, etc., Quest provides mandatory instructional material for this course. For payment questions, email

REGISTRATION in QUEST is required for this course. Please register on the Quest home page to log in to the Quest system before the second class. for this class. Read QUEST FAQ to get you started. In particular, read “Register iclicker” in FAQ to put the serial number of your iclicker into your account. (If you buy a used clicker with a serial number worn off, then bring the clicker to class and when you punch a key, a box in the grid on the screen will light up and show your serial number.) Your primary unique number will be used to identify the hard copy of the exams.

iClickers are required for the course and will be used starting in the SECOND CLASS. We use the basic iClicker which has 5 buttons A-E and an on/off button. iClickers will be used for interactive quizzes in the classroom, the weekly Thursday TA sessions, the four evening tests, and the final exam. i-clickers are available used from many places and are available new at the UT-coop (about $38) and online from various vendors (Amazon, iClicker, and elsewhere, typically $34 plus shipping). IMPORTANT: Register clickers on QUEST, not on the iClicker web site.

HOMEWORK: There is a homework assignment for most classes, due at 11:30 p.m. on most Wednesdays and Sundays (see Syllabus). Thus homework will be due at 11:30 p.m. on most Sundays and Wednesdays.  You may submit your answers one problem at a time, any time up to the due time for the homework set. No homework beyond the cutoff will be accepted.

REQUIRED WEEKLY TA DISCUSSION SESSIONS: These sessions consist of computer modeling and discussions on the nuances of the physics of the course. TA session grades will be determined by the TA. You will work in groups of three and at least one person in the group should bring a laptop. (TA Session grades: the deadline for complaints on TA session grades is the last day of class. No dispute of TA session record beyond the end-of-class day will be accepted.)


  • Midterms: The 4 evening midterm exams will be at 7-9 p.m. in UTC 2.102A
  • Midterm dates: MONDAYS, Sept. 17, Oct. 8, Oct. 29 and Nov. 19.  Mark these dates on your calendar now!
  • A student is required to take all four midterms. No make up midterm will be given.
  • During each Midterm and the Final Exam:
    • Equation Sheets will be provided
    • The instructor will provide simple calculators (you will give your UT ID card to receive a calculator). No other calculators are allowed.
    • Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.


  • Interactive class quizzes and pre-class concept tests (4 drops) 6%
  • TA sessions: 10%
  • Homework (3 drops) 12%
  • four Midterms (NO DROPS) 40%
  • Final 32%
  • Extra Credit: Up to 2% extra credit in your final grade will be based on responses to Pre-Class Concept Tests

In accord with UT Academic Policy, the following semester letter grades will be used: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F. NOTE: If a student misses a midterm and has an absence excused by the instructor (e.g. broken leg, pneumonia, car wreck, or arrested and in jail), the final exam grade will be substituted for the missing midterm grade. After a midterm is missed, the instructor must be given evidence for an excused absence within one week.

Succeeding in 303K


    (1) Read the textbook and attempt the corresponding assignment BEFORE each lecture.

    (2) Bring your iClicker and calculator to every class. It’s also helpful to bring your textbook

    (3) Arrive in time to start promptly at 3:30 p.m in PAI 3.02. Late arrivals are disruptive, as are departures before the class is dismissed. Attendance in the class will be based on responses to ALL clicker questions asked.

    (4) Sit in every other row and move to the center of the row so that instructors can move between students.

    (6) After each class, start immediately working on the next homework assignment that is due, which will either be Wednesday or Sunday at 11:30 pm.

COACHING: A coaching service is available 9-5 weekdays (starting Sept. 10) in RLM near the elevators on the 5th floor (take the escalator up one floor from the ground level, which is the 4th floor).

STUDY SESSIONS: You are encouraged to organize study groups. Feel free to ask a Learning Assistant to lead the session and/or to help form the session. You can reserve a Group Study Room by going to the web site


SPECIAL NEEDS DEADLINE: Sept. 14 (12th class day). The University Policy is that students with special needs that need accommodation are required to notify the instructor by the 12th class day, which is 09/12/14 for this Fall semester.

PRE/CO-REQUISITES: One week after class-begins, check the pre/co-requisites list that will be posted outside of the lecture hall. If your name is on this list, please see undergraduate coordinator Lisa Gentry in RLM 5.216.