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Lecture 3


Iclickers: Beta test


1d motion with a constant acceleration


  1. Lemma: When a = constant, average velocity = (v1+v2)/2.
  2. General kinematics of 1d motion

2.1 Essential quantities: TVS-chart

2.2 tvs-triangle: vt-, st- and vs-pairs

      3.   Applications:

·         trise, h

·         |vfall|=|v0|, tfall=trise.

To do list:

  • Work through today’s lecture.
  • Understand the TVS chart and the tvs-triangle.

The triangle defines the relationship of vt-, st- and sv- pairs. These relationships are basic formulas. Memorize them.

  • Read chapter 2 and preview chapter 3.
  • Practice PhysiQuiz problems: PQ 2-6, 7, 8, 9.
  • Start working on HW2. Your goal is to complete HW2 by this weekend.
  • On this Friday, there will be an informal session from 4-5pm. There is a room change for Friday’s informal session. From this point on. whenever we meet for the Friday session it will be in ECJ 1.204, not in RLM5.116.