MI-WorksHOp Jan13-Jan14, 2011

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Informal session-notes, followup meeting Tu(1/1/18)


Informal Session notes


In order to record the goings on in the workshop, with the help of TAs and LAs who are present at the workshop, we would like to have informal notes of the 5 sessions to be posted on the web. Here is the listing of sessions and the corresponding TA/LAs responsible for the session.


o   Overview of MI: Pedro*, Alina,

o   MI-style problem solving. And more discussions on problem solving Q and A: Scott*, Stewart

o   Preparing for Vpython model: Aimon, Matt Klimek*

o   MI Lecture: Josh*, Zachary

o   Followup discussions: Anderson*, Brennan


For each group, I have assigned a “default coordinator”. Please discuss between you two to finalize the choice of the coordinator. Please email me if there is a change of the coordinator, so I can update the list above.


The finalized version of the notes should be the clean up version of the coordinator’s notes which incorporates some information from partner’s notes for completeness. If there is any issue of concern, feel free to interact with any of the participants in the workshop.


Please scan the written notes to create a pdf file for each page. Then combine them into one pdf-file and email it to me through email attachment. Your pdf-file will be posted under the session title in the program page. Remember it is intended to be essentially the cleanup version of your notes. It is informal and hand-written, for internal use only. May I  receive the contribution of each group by Monday, 1/1/17?